What is a working holiday?
Have you ever heard of workholi?
Formally called working holiday.
Working holiday is based on the agreement between the two countries / regions that establish the working holiday system, and each country / region understands the culture / general lifestyle of its own country / region for the youth of the partner country / region. This is a visa that allows you to stay abroad for a long time. Working holiday systems vary from country to country, but basically, people aged 18-30 can use working holidays and live abroad for one to two years.
Working holiday
That ’s why. Some people may feel contradictory.
A working holiday visa is a visa that allows
"tourism", "school attendance" and "working".
Other common visas require you to obtain visas for different purposes: tourist visas, student visas, work visas, but working holiday visas are free to spend themselves during the visa period . You can move freely in the country, and you can go to school, although the period varies depending on the country. It is also a visa that allows you to work full-time locally.
"I don't speak English but I want to live abroad"Those who think.
"I just studied a little language but I want to work elsewhere"It can be said that it is a visa suitable for various people.
M.E.L offers various proposals according to your wishes.
Click here for free consultation。
Would you like to have a work experience that you have never experienced in Japan because you came to study abroad? |
The experience of working with local people will be a good opportunity not only to study English but also to learn how to work and think about local work. |
We will introduce you to the workplaces that will lead to your growth such as Farm job, Child care, Hospitality job. |
Introducing a working holiday to Australia!
Introducing a working holiday from Oceania to Japan!